Operation of the secretariat supporting activities that link persons with disabilities nationwide and art

The nationwide cooperation secretariat (in the field of performing arts) under Support Program for Arts and Culture Activities of Persons with Disabilities by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

  • type of event|Talk sessions & symposiums, Performances, Participation-oriented
  • type of precog business|Barrier-free arrangements, Promotion of education, Human resource development, Community revitalization, Publicity & PR
  • field of expression|Dance, Video, Theater, Art, Music
  • year of holding|2023, 2022, 2021

Outline of projects

Since fiscal 2017, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) has been implementing a subsidized Support Program for Arts and Culture Activities of Persons with Disabilities. This program provides intermediate support for the building of a society that enables persons with disabilities to come into contact with, enjoy, and deepen their involvement with art and culture. It is based on the agendum of “promoting the exercise of individuality and ability by persons with disabilities and their participation in society through cultural and artistic activities” in the Act for the Promotion of Cultural and Artistic Activities by Persons with Disabilities, which was promulgated and effected in 2018.

Since fiscal 2021, precog has served as the nationwide cooperation secretariat (in the field of performing arts) in this program. As of fiscal 2023, we are providing interdisciplinary support for the activities of centers for support of the artistic and cultural activities of persons with disabilities, which are located in 44 locations in 43 prefectures nationwide, and centers for regional (wide-area) support of the artistic and cultural activities of persons with disabilities, which number seven nationwide. In addition, we are disseminating information about welfare and art.

Date: July 2021 – March 2023
Official website: https://arts.mhlw.go.jp/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/renkeisgsm/

Outline of the activities

For two consecutive years, precog was commissioned to be the nationwide cooperation secretariat supporting artistic and cultural activities by persons with disabilities. In fiscal 2022, as in fiscal 2021, in addition to verbalizing, and disseminating information on, the social value of the aforementioned MHLW program and sharing the activities of the aforementioned support centers and regional support centers among them, we engaged in activities aimed at investigative research of model programs in the field of performing arts, and at publicity for the results.

* Support for wide-area centers etc
– Wide-area center meetings
– Meetings for exchange of information

* Nationwide liaison conferences (three times a year)

* Nationwide information gathering and dissemination
– Website renewal
– Media tie-ups
– Digital advertising
– Publicity through social media

* Construction of a nationwide network setup, compilation of reports on results, publication of related information, etc.

Activity reports

FY2021 report on Support Program for Arts and Culture Activities of Persons with Disabilities

FY2022 report on Support Program for Arts and Culture Activities of Persons with Disabilities

Advertising materials


MHLW program for “Support Program for Arts and Culture Activities of Persons with Disabilities, 2021 – 2023”
Cooperation secretariat
– Art field: Art NPO Link
– Performing arts field: precog co., LTD.